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The TreeCap Arbitrage Fund reports a quarterly Net Asset Value (NAV). Bolder Fund Services (Netherlands) B.V. has been appointed as the Fund’s independent administrator and is responsible for the NAV reporting to the fund’s investors. The Fund’s objective is to achieve annual returns of high single digit net after fees. The Fund has reported positive annual returns for every year since its inception, except for 2020. In 2020, the Fund reported a small loss, after it incurred a considerable loss in March 2020, due to the Corona pandemic.

The team has actively managed the strategy previously, both in a proprietary trading environment and similar fund structures. In May 2017 the team launched its first fund, the TreeCap Arbitrage Fund-A. In February 2020, the TreeCap Arbitrage Fund-C was launched. Both Funds were merged. The overview below shows the returns, which have been independently calculated, of the strategy, which were realized in the current fund structures; TreeCap Arbitrage Fund-A (May 2017 – January 2020) and TreeCap Arbitrage Fund-C (February 2020 – Present)


*Source:TreeCap. Based on net return(s) after management fees, performance fees and all other
costs. Performance from May 2017-June 2022 have been calculated by Bolder Fund Services
(Netherlands) B.V., an independent third party administrator.
Past performance of any investment is not indicative of future performance. Please refer to the
fund documentation for more details.